Thursday, March 17, 2005

Iditarod and ANWR

Yesterday two big events happened; there was a winner in the Iditarod sled dog race, and the US Senate voted to allow oil drilling in ANWR. You will want to see a lot of great photos of the
Alaska Iditarod sled dog race.

It is about time that they finally agreed to drill for more oil. You will see many deceptive photos that are not truly ANWR in the popular press. The mountains are far away from where the actual drilling will take place and any photos that show mountains in the background are using very high powered telephoto lenses to deceive the public. In fact the best way to describe what ANWR really is like for over half of the year, I would have to take you into a dark walk-in freezer and hold up a blank sheet of typing paper, which would be the true picture of ANWR.

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