Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Stock websites

Here are some of the websites that i look at most days. 1st i like Jim Sinclair on He has taught me a lot about charts. 2nd i like looking at some of the articles on it shows charts of gold, silver, and the us dollar. Gold and silver go up when the dollar goes down. 3rd has articles about the energy markets, oil, uranium, solar, etc.
4th has the charts that everyone uses on the internet. You can learn about charting by clicking on chart school at the bottom of the page. Also you could click on Public Chart Lists on the side of the page to see how others chart the markets. A couple of my favorites there are Jack Chan with JC's buy and sell signals, also
DADDY'S watch list by Rodney L Carry shows some interesting stocks that have been going up quite fast.

That is a lot of stuff to look at. And of course not everyone is right, but maybe these will give you a feel for what to expect or not expect when you finally buy some stocks. Right now the whole market is quite high and if the Dow and Nasdaq and S&P 500 all go down; all stocks tend to go down with them. If you make 10% a year (which is average), your money will double in 7 years. If you make 15% a year, your money will double in less than 5 years. Do you see why banks charge interest on loans?

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